
GTA - Appliance Recycling Services care about our Environment.
Click here to visit ENVIRONMENT CANADA website;

Take Action for the Environment
When you take action for the environment, the Earth isn't the only one who benefits. You'll be helping your friends, family, and yourself too. Check out articles to find out easy and economical ways to save the planet, read about Canada's most pressing environmental concerns, and browse the online incentives and rebates database to find out how you can start saving money by going green right away!

What You Can Do to save our Enviroment?

You CAN make a difference! There are many simple actions that you or your organization can take to reduce waste, save resources and prevent pollution:     Click here to learn more

What are the Environmental Issues?
Canadians are facing many issues that affect not only the environment, but also our health and well being. Here are some resources to help you learn more about the causes and effects of key environmental issues in Canada, and to teach you how to take action to address them. Learn more about it


Save Money While Saving the Environment

You can make a positive impact on your wallet by reducing your impact on the environment. From taking transit or driving a fuel efficient vehicle, to making energy-efficient upgrades to your home, many of your eco-friendly actions can save you money.  Read more

What is Climate Change?
Climate change is a global problem that requires real solutions. That's why the Government of Canada supports an aggressive approach to achieve real environmental and economic benefits for all Canadians. To follow Canada's action on climate change, please visit: www.climatechange.gc.ca.